Colorado Juvenile Crime Defense Lawyer and the Difference between Adult and Juvenile

In some senses, juvenile proceedings in Colorado are very similar to adult proceedings. In both cases, charges are brought and the purpose of a trial is to determine guilt and assign a sentence that is proportional to the crime. However, when seeking out a Colorado juvenile crime defense lawyer to represent a juvenile accused of a crime, it’s essential to locate an attorney who understands the key differences between how juvenile crimes and adult crimes are handled.

Punishment Vs. Education

The fundamental difference between adult prosecutions and juvenile proceedings is that adult prosecutions seek to punish the accused on the assumption that as adults they are fully aware of their actions and their consequences. In juvenile proceedings the goal is usually more to educate and rehabilitate on the assumption that the accused’s age and inexperience may have made their judgment unreliable.

A qualified Colorado juvenile crime defense lawyer knows this, and therefore knows to expect that

  • the child’s parents or guardians will generally be required to attend all hearings and to help carry out sentences
  • if the parents are unwilling or unable, the court will appoint a guardian


An experienced Colorado juvenile crime defense lawyer will also know that the sentences given to juveniles often differ greatly from those handed down to adults. As a rule, all juvenile offenses can be met with probation instead of harsher sentences, although there is the possibility of being assigned to a Juvenile Detention Center if the crime is considered grave enough or if the child displays a lack of remorse.

More common are orders of counseling, classes, or other social programs designed to give the child a good opportunity to adjust their course through life for the better.

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