When a young son or daughter is accused of a crime, many parents enter into what’s known as “denial,” believing wholeheartedly that their child must be innocent and refusing to take any step that might include admitting guilt. While your child may be innocent, you must be more aggressive in mounting a defense against the charges and make the right decisions whether they are guilty or not, or the charges may severely limit your child’s opportunities down the road.
The first step when your minor child has been charged with a crime is to contact the best Colorado juvenile crime defense lawyer you can find. Some parents feel that hiring a lawyer makes their child look guilty, but “looking” guilty is much better than being found guilty, because of the long-term problems a conviction can cause.
College Difficulties
If your child intends to go to college, a criminal conviction of any kind can haunt them. Many colleges will automatically reject applications from students with criminal records no matter what the circumstances are, because they are concerned about the safety of their campuses. While this may seem unreasonable, it’s a fact, and it will make it that much more difficult for your son or daughter to get into the school of their choice.
Even if they are accepted, criminal records again harm students when it comes to financial aid, which can be limited or denied altogether due to a criminal record.
An experienced attorney can help. They can often get charges reduced, and argue for probation or warnings for first offenses that can prevent convictions by avoiding court altogether. While there are never guarantees, a lawyer is your child’s best bet for a future that includes everything they want.