Each case is unique and should be discussed with a defense lawyer, but a drug conviction can carry serious consequences for you. You may end up paying thousands of dollars in fines, spending time in prison, or facing a permanent criminal record if you are not able to successfully defend drug crime charges in Greeley.
There are many factors that will influence the kind of penalties you’ll be facing in a case. These include whether there are other criminal charges associated with it, like illegal weapons possession. Additional charges can make the penalties more severe. Another factor is whether the drugs are alleged to have been transported across U.S. borders or state lines. The penalties faced by a person charged with a drug crime will also depend on whether that individual already has a criminal record, whether the charged individual was on probation at the time of the arrest, and the amount and type of drugs that were recovered.
Some of the possible charges may include drug distribution, possession, drug trafficking, and drug sales. Depending on your case, there may be a range of possible defense strategies to help you respond to these charges. Some of the most common defenses include situations where the police illegally searched or seized evidence, failure of the police to follow proper protocol, or being able to show that the drugs did not belong to the defendant.
Don’t underestimate how seriously a drug charge can influence your future, because you should only work with a talented drug crime defense attorney. Assuming that the consequences will be minor is a big mistake and could cost you in terms of time, money, and your future. React swiftly by taking drug charges in Colorado very seriously.