When someone is facing financial hardship, often-times their last thought is to turn to ask for help from a bankruptcy attorney in Colorado. After all, a person facing bankruptcy, by definition, is suffering extreme financial hardship, and is unlikely to want to spend the limited funds that they do have access to on a bankruptcy attorney in Greeley CO. Meeting with a bankruptcy attorney in our office will never cost you money for the initial consultation, and you will receive valuable information to better help you make decisions about whether you need to file at all, or what would be the best timing.
While it may seem counter-intuitive, do not attempt to tackle the process alone. While filing for bankruptcy might be the only logical solution for your particular circumstances, there are still consequences of bankruptcy that must be completely understood before the final decision is made. It is only a bankruptcy attorney who will be able to advise you and to make sure that you understand every consequence and legal nuance that applies to your situation. Remember, when you talk to one of our bankruptcy attorneys, you will not be charged for your initial consult.
A bankruptcy petition must be error free, otherwise, you may find that your petition will be denied. A bankruptcy attorney will help you to prepare a bankruptcy petition that is error free, as well as taking care of the necessary court filing process. Your attorney will also work with you to help you prepare for your meeting with your creditors, and will facilitate communication with your bankruptcy court trustee.
As unpleasant as the thought may sometimes be, the overarching aim of a bankruptcy petition is to get you out of debt. It is only by working with a bankruptcy attorney that you can ensure that you will have the best possible chance of having your petition granted. If you take the risk of preparing your own bankruptcy petition and it is denied due to an error, you may have to wait several months before being able to attempt to file again. During that time, the financial ramifications could be disastrous. It is a much safer option to work with a bankruptcy attorney from the start.