It can be tempting to just have the court handle your child custody issues, but rarely is the best avenue or outcome for parties who need help determining a parenting and custody visitation schedule in Greeley.
To start off with, there is no harm in trying mediation first. Even speaking to a mediator doesn’t mean that you’ll hurt your case in any way if it eventually does go to court. You might want to ask a mediator about timeframes and expected costs as well as what situations tend to do best in mediation. There’s no harm in doing your research before committing to it.
Second, mediation is far less adversarial than other options. Unlike going to court, whether all the parties involved can get upset and emotional very easily, mediation focuses on cooperation instead. This certainly has benefits for you and your former spouse, but it may also be much better for the children, too.
Since mediation is not legally binding, parties often feel like it’s less threatening to begin with and this makes it easier for them to agree to work together and find resolution. Also, mediation is private. Many people view discussions about child custody as a very private matter that they don’t want part of the public record. Anything that you say related to your case in mediation is kept private, so this is yet another reason why you might feel more comfortable making concessions.
For your own benefit as well as the children, look into child custody mediation before you let the courts handle the matter. You may find out that it’s much less expensive, time-consuming, or emotionally involved to address critical child custody issues in Greeley. Mediation is nearly always worth a try before committing to court.